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Can't wait to get this in print!


How many players are needed and how many maximum before it slows down too much?


I would say the ideal group would be 1 GM and 3-5 players, but stretching a little beyond that in either direction wouldn't be a problem.

Even during Combat Encounters, the only part of the game broken down into 'turns,' things move quite quickly as the combat scenes are designed to be more narrative and less crunchy/tactical.


Any plans for a print edition?


Definitely plans! Looking at various options at the moment.


Hey, could I make my own Character Classes for Animon and upload them for free?? Maybe you could help me balance them! :) 


You're very welcome to make your own Animon Story content and share it!


that will be handy cause I'm sure there will be GM's who struggle with creating new animon and others who will tick off new ones like breathing air 


OMG this game looks so much fun and might get it after my next paycheck comes in! Hey, I have a YouTube channel and would love to play this one day on it but need a Game Master to do so, do you perhaps want to do a collaboration one day and play this game??? I got an email if you want to talk about this more-Alex from AlexsGamingShow.


he's already doing a collab with DIcebreakers running the game for them 


Hi there, so glad you enjoy the game! I'm afraid I have fairly limited time to run games myself, but you're very welcome to play Animon Story on your channel any time!


Ok! :)


Hello. I have a question about the community pool. I initially saw the game was $15, and adding to the community pool would take $25 (an extra $10.) However, I noticed the price went up by $20, but when I purchased the game at $25, the community pool still listed this as its goal price. I was curious if my purchase counted toward the community pool, and if not, can I still add an extra $5?


Hi there, thanks for messaging! I'm guessing you're the $25 dollar payment from around 4 hours ago? If so yes, I counted that as a community copy and I actually added several copies to the pool rather than just one, at the same time as the price adjustment.

Hope that helps, and thank you so much for the support!


Ah, thanks for the reply. I'm glad I could help.


I'm a huge fan of Digimon and this exactly scratches that itch for a ttrpg of it. Thank you all so much for creating this! Can't wait to (solo) play this.

Also totally up for the print version, please make it happen. Fingers crossed!


That's brilliant to hear! Scratching that itch is exactly why I started making this, although back then I never expected to end up publishing it haha. Glad you like it!


Well I'm glad you made the effort to make this! BTW is there a discord or any other avenue where rules and clarifications can be discussed? 


There's no discord as of right now, but I'm happy to chat/answer questions on Twitter if that's any help @ZakBFree, and I can share discussions around to followers etc.


i have been so HYPE for this game's release! unfortunately i'm still busy running my current games so i'll have to wait a bit to actually play ;u; but digging thru the rules has plenty fun so far!

if you ever do end up putting out a print version i'll be one of the first in line :)


So glad you're enjoying it!


This looks amazing, will there be a print version? 


Definitely hoping to do print versions in the future - may be a case of itchfunding but we'll see!

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